4-week Ripple Effect course

Learn how to connect to others in a genuine and motivating way.

This course is specially put together to help you connect with others. By helping and motivating others to grow, you too evolve and develop yourself. This is your ripple effect.

Being aware of your actions and the effect your behaviour has on others is key in this 4-week course. Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Coming together is the start, staying together is progress and working together creates success. The Ripple Effect will show you how all three are possible.


Join here

Date & Time

The first LIVE session of the next upcoming Ripple Effect course starts on

Starting 17 January 2024.

You will have access to the online environment and extra videos, downloads and audio lessons already 5 days before the first live session.  

Kristina Zumpolle

Founder of Zumflow, Kristina is a no nonsense coach, workshop leader and facilitator. Kristina has worked successfully with executives and teams across a variety of industries and countries. Her broad cultural and professional experiences have shaped her expansive and innovative coaching style. Kristina views each client as a burgeoning success and makes it her work to help them see their own potential.

She holds a BA in International Business Studies, is an accredited Coach (Coaches Training Institute) and Certified Practitioner of The Leadership Circle Profile Assessment Tool. 

"Delighted and very grateful to be taking part in this insightful course. Very much enjoying working with the wonderful Kristina Zumpolle again. Working through the thought-provoking, snackable content in my own time and joining the weekly live sessions for great discussions with a diverse group of people."

Anna Stewart Kenkel
Brand communication & Digital media

"Become a better leader for yourself, your team and your company."

Getting started

Introducing you to the set up of this 4 week course with video content, weekly virtual zoom sessions, reflection material and journaling.

Part 1: Awareness

Certain behaviours or mindsets disrupt our relationships with others. And they don't really serve us in the long run. How can you be more aware of unproductive behaviour and in turn help change any situation into a win-win for everyone?

Part 2: Evolve

Discover how you can open up to make conscious decisions to get unstuck, looking at any given situation. Improve your connection with others and evolve as a leader by fully engaging and listening.

Part 3: Good vibes

Find out how you can tap into the good vibes and how it can change your life in a really positive way. Take the time to recognise the good in others because often it's not what you are looking at that matters but what you see.

Part 4: Unlock creativity

How can we make it easier for ourselves to understand the complexity of everyday life, and allow for creativity to flow? Explore the need to control and why saying no can sometimes be a real release. Here we show you how to lead from a place of connecting with your values, purpose and the bigger picture and how daring to show your vulnerability can help in your relationships with others.

Claim your spot here

"This is not only one of the best self development investments I have done throughout my career, it is led by one of the absolute best coaches I have ever come across. Kristina knows how to gather the best people. I am learning as much from her as I do from the amazing participants in our group. It has been very valuable for me and I do recommend to sign up."

Sam Mirson
General Manager

Tune in whenever and wherever it suits you best.

Weekly live sessions

Join weekly live sessions with a group of likeminded professionals. Sessions will be available to watch afterwards.

4-5 new videos every week

You will have access to 4-5 new videos every week. Reflect on these topics using your personal journal.

1 year full access

You get 1 year full access to the training material and videos. Even after the course is completed.

Ripple Effect Course

Become a better leader for yourself, your team and your company!

Yes! Reserve my spot now

"I'm currently doing this course and cannot recommend it more highly. Holistic leadership at its' best. Such a worthwhile investment in yourself or your team. Easy to fit into a busy schedule too!"

Nicole Olivier
Marketing Manager

Are you ready to take leadership of your own life?

Our 5-week online Personal Leadership course has been specially developed to help you reconnect and provide you with key insights and practical tools to help you get the most out of both your personal and professional life.

Discover new ways to re-energise your body and mind. Clarify your purpose, dreams and vision. And walk away with next steps tailored to your goals. Enroll in our online Personal Leadership course today and get ready to unlock the extraordinary leader within you.

Click here for more information on the Personal Leadership course